ESA has the purpose of: interdisciplinary facilitate contacts between scientists throughout the world. Spread the scientific culture foreign advanced. cooperate in the context of scientific bodies europei.partecipare to national and international programs of scientific research. stimulate technological innovation through the production of patents and other works of genius.
Scientific projects involved in the business world and other private parties. Help the growth and progress of the sciences especially in the countries in developing countries. Allow scholars most deserving long periods of research. Activities of support, implementation and management of project ideas innovative.stimolare the Scientific and Technological Collaboration International.
Promote the technical/Vocational training through the allocation of grants. provide facilities to attract scholars of UN member countries. Support expenditure for the purchase of books or what is necessary, having scientific value and useful for research. create an international scientific community. Issue economic operators and to those who have honoured the life with the virtue of the work certificates of merit.